In order to allow easy access to users, the data has been presented in two parts:
Consult data — Analysis / Calibration Laboratories, Quality Infrastructure Consultants/Experts, Standards, Inspection Bodies, Certification and Standardization, etc. — available in the different countries of the ECOWAS zone.
Consult industry data — Main productions, Exports and imports, Price indices, etc. — available in the different countries of the ECOWAS zone.
In the quality part you will find the information collected relating to quality in each ECOWAS member state.
These data include those relating to structures (analysis / calibration laboratories, quality infrastructure consultants / experts, laboratory equipment repair center, etc.), standards and inspection bodies, certification and standardization, etc.
In the industry section, you can find the following statistics:
- Main productions (in volume and price)
- Exports and imports (in volume and value)
- Geographical orientation of exports and imports
- Value added industrial sector at current and constant prices
- Price indices
- Taxes, exemptions and wage remuneration in the industrial sector
- Energy and environment